Alecoq Dry Ice Õllesummer Stands

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 11:35 AM
Final images:

Source images:

Alecoq Dry Ice Õllesummer Stands
For Taevas Ogilvy / AD: Helene Vetik / Photography: Kalle Veesaar / Copy: Karl Saluveer

These aren't anything too special on their own, but I like how they turned out. Also, you can see what a difference some contact makes. That fur would have been an awful amount of work to mask and make look natural, but it blended into the stock image really nicely. Also the skin tones turned out the way I like them, with enough texture. I don't really understand why magazines in particular feel the need to blur out every single detail, making the skin look like plastic and fake.


  1. Terry London Says:

    Wow, those skin tone details ARE amazing! Blurring sucks ass! Using blurring on beautiful ladies should be a felony.

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